o SM received an commemorative coin. o kept accountability of sensitive items resulting in zero losses or discrepancies; successfully passed all physical security inspections. o ensured all documentation was accurate and complete; no delays in transfer or errors in. Military and Professional Bearing, Fitness, Confidence, Resilience. SHARP, EO, and EEO. o maintained. o supervised the kitchen for 8 months as Senior Cook. o managed the planning and execution of Heavy Equipment Transport (HET) support for 1 BCT, 4ID gunnery; resulted in 90% utilization rate of the HETs. NCOER Duty Descriptions. o rebuilt parachute packing facilities/area, adding over $1,000,000 worth of new equipmento led the movement of essential personnel and equipment from Upper Marlboro, MD to Fort Bragg and then to JRTC. o completed more than 50 missions, handling over $250,000 worth of cargo; maintained 100% accuracy with no incidents. CMF 91 Maintenance NCOER Bullets. MOS 31E Internment Resettlement Specialist. o supervised and created over 400 Tactical SIPR accounts used throughout 18 Warfighting Exercises. CHARACTERISTIC CURRENT NCOER (DA FORM 2166-8) NEW NCOER (DA FORM 2166-9 SERIES). MOS 56A - Command and Unit Chaplain. MOS 68J, Medical Logistics Specialist NCOER Bullets. This supplement assists NCOER preparation by provoking and stimulating thought for specific thoughts and comments. o earned "Superior" qualification ratings on each of three tank gunnery qualifications. com -- Bullets that Don't Suck! New Bullets added to the Database every Sunday! Hot News! Make $500 in daily online commissions with this 100% Foolproof Blueprint! Support 150 Presence bullets for Military and Professional Bearing, Fitness, Confidence, Resilience We offer the largest collection of NCOER bullets for your use. o aided the company in maintaining an equipment readiness rating of 98% for five consecutive months; maintained activities eight points above the. MOS 56X - Chaplain Candidate. Army with pride. MOS 12T, Technical Engineer, NCOER Bullets. Click on the appropriate link below or scroll down for general, non-specific medical bullets. Recruiter NCOER Bullets. o fully supports the Army SHARP/EO programs and fosters an environment free of harassment; deeply respected by every Soldier, NCO, and officer. This month will mark the site’s sixth complete redesign as I finally introduce a more. o performed support mission on a moment's notice; contributed to CAT-6's successful completion of the CIMIC/CA Tactical training course. Military and Professional Bearing, Fitness, Confidence, Resilience. Brigade Paralegal NCOIC. To contribute examples, please use this form. o managed a section through five major training events; logged over 5,0000 hours of upper and lower tactical internet connectivity. 88N40 Transportation NCOIC. o warned section members of the consequences of their actions; prevented UCMJ action and sustained promising careers. o implemented a physical training plan for two Soldiers; resulted in both SMs being removed from ABCP and maintaining readiness. Back to CMF 13 NCOER Bullets. o supervised the successful deployment and redeployment of 29 individuals ISO worldwide contingency operations; achieved goals while remaining poised for evolving missions. o demonstrated initiative by taking appropriate actions in the absence of orders; risked reputation and. o ran a DFAC as a junior NCO during IDT on a regular basis; ensured. Info Tech Team Chief. Back to MOS 79 NCOER Bullets. Leads NCOER Bullet Comments Leads others, Builds trust, Extends influence, Leads by example, Communication o ensured that eligible Soldiers received adequate training in submitting local travel vouchers for IDT travel reimbursement Presence NCOER Bullet Comments Military and Professional Bearing, Fitness, Confidence, Resilience o devoted 40 off-duty hours training to compete in Lincoln. — George S. o demonstrated expert technical skills and superior leadership to create a Realistic world training environment. • served as RSO for 2-12 CAV Gunnery; 29 Tank Crews fired over 2,000 main guns and 50,000 small arms rounds zero incidents. Excellence bullets should clearly describe performance above the ordinary and should be quantifiable. com) and a page will be made for it as soon as possible. 68B Orthopedic Specialist. Chaplain Assistant. Every bullet you write should fit into the leadership qualities in one way or another. This month will mark the site’s sixth complete redesign as I finally introduce a more modern, responsive. The Algorithm of Strong NCOER Statements. NCOER bullets for Met Standard and Did Not Meet Standard. ArmyNCO. com -- Bullets that Don't Suck! New Bullets added to the Database every Sunday! o added over 100 non-sucky bullets to the ArmyNCO. Presence NCOER Bullets (Military and Professional Bearing, Fitness, Confidence, Resilience) Headlines. The purpose of listing achievements is to have an official record of your performance so that later, you can be compared with your peers and rated for promotion. Motor Pool NCO. o maintained the powertrain benchstock, which consisted of primary, secondary and DART kit for AH-64s, UH-60s and CH-47s. −Bullet comments for Direct- and Organizational-level reports −Narrative comments for Strategic-level report. o manned and operated Integrated Fixed Tower (IFT) system and RVSS; validated system effectiveness. Thanks! MOS. The rater comments on the NCO's performance during the rated period. (Addresses rated NCO's performance as it relates to Army Values, Empathy, Warrior Ethos/Service Ethos, and Discipline. Tactical Power Generation Specialist. Inspire. Bullet Comments. 91B - Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic. o promoted Eagle Reset Program across FCKY; 92 Leaders trained on resiliency and self-care during nine. o served as weapons checks NCO on all crew serve weapons, including five M2 50 caliber machine guns, five 240B's and five 249s. S. Back to CMF 92 NCOER Bullets. MOS 36A Financial Manager; MOS 36B Financial Management Technician;Gunner NCOER Bullets. 88K Watercraft Operator. Operations NCO. Military and Professional Bearing, Fitness, Confidence, Resilience. o assisted in revising the 1-37 FA digital TACSOP improving BOC and POC changeovers with faster digital firing. o orchestrated unit move. Is there a requirement for at least one bullet to be in every block of page 2 of the N. o provided legal support to the Special court-martial convening authority and all subordinate battalions, for a combined strength of over 5,000 Soldiers. o maintained 7 training facilities; performed daily security checks and safeguarded 9 cadre and 300 Soldiers daily. 150 NCOER bullets for leads others, builds trust, extends influence beyond the chain of command, leads by example, and communicates. o engaged assets outside the MACOM. o instructed Manual and Mechanical Breaching and Urban Movement Techniques; enhanced the lethality and survivability of 37 Mexican FGR. o took control when situation dictated; conducted first line PCCs, maintained constant situational awareness and acted accordingly. Courtesy of U. o participated in over 40 outside-the-wire missions. failed sit-ups and run but is making progress to meet physical fitness standards. o tracked 120 personnel and provided up-to-date medical status to Commander; key to immediate deployment readiness. Search the. o remained focused on section and unit goals to help meet the Commander's intent and successful mission completion. Deployment NCOER Bullets. 25D Cyber Network Defender. 25% and was awarded additional skill identifier of B1. respond to your guidance. MOS 79R, Recruiter. CMF 15 General. The views expressed here are the author’s alone and do not reflect those of the U. com -- Bullets that Don't Suck! New Bullets added to the Database every Sunday! o added over 100 non-sucky bullets to the ArmyNCO. NCOER Bullet Database. o worked outside of his primary MOS as a 19K (M1 Armorer Crewman) to complete the Warhorse Crucible. ArmyNCO. If you would like to support the continued development of ArmyNCO. o assigned as wire team NCOIC to the USF-I Command relocation to Al Asad; completed all tasks 5 days ahead of schedule; received excellent commendations. CMF 46 Duty Descriptions. o recruited and trained 20 Soldiers who were accepted into the honor guard; extended influence beyond current position. If you got 'em, they can be contributed by using the form below. . NCOER bullets for key control, NCOER bullets new. o oversaw and coordinated the successful tour of the 77th Army Band. volunteered to present directorate NCOPD/OPD on NCO counseling and NCOER preparation; commended by G2 SGM; trained and motivated Soldiers to excel; encouraged teamwork by ensuring all Soldiers were actively involved in training; an effective leader who balanced field and garrison duties for 30 Soldiers and 13 tanksCMF 36, Finance NCOER bullets. Save that for the inevitable mandatory EO bullets! SGT Pefley, roger - 0 incidents or 100% reporting. Tenure as 1SG characterized by multiple failures due to lack of foresight to cross-train personnel on the. Click the appropriate link for MOS-specific examples. We offer the largest collection of NCOER bullets for your use. MOS 79V Duty Descriptions. • 2 yr. Thankfully, the internet is a magical place that makes all of our dreams come true. S. 13R Weapon Locating Radar Operator. Should I write my NCOER SHARP bullet to reflect a joint command environment? 0 Votes 0 Comments. MOS 35N - Signals Intelligence Analyst. Invited. o mentored NCOs on the importance of volunteering and its impact on promotions; NCOs recognized as most competitive, two promoted. Provides an overview of the new Army regulation, citing paragraphs and page numbers in the regulation. o completed month-long Infantry Mortar Leader Course with a score of 91. o assisted with maintenance and recovery missions; reclaimed over $1M in inoperable assets. MOS 79R, Recruiter NCOER Bullets. Chemical Warfare NCO. o mentored and developed the Platoon Leader, Platoon Sergeant, and Squad Leaders continuously throughout the duration of the exercise. See also: o adjusted security posture, individual movement techniques, and escalation of force depending on circumstances; showed sound tactical awareness during all operations. o participated in Table XII certifications as a member of the Q50 section for Alpha, Bravo,. CHARACTER: (Army Values, Empathy, Warriors Ethos/Service Ethos, Discipline. Standardized rules apply to bullet comments on NCOER. Military and Professional Bearing o demonstrated the utmost in bearing and appearance; well-disciplined soldier o set the example for subordinates and peers to emulate; outstanding professionalism o provided exceptional example for soldiers; uniform and appearance always immaculate This supplement assists NCOER preparation by provoking and stimulating thought for specific thoughts and comments. If you got 'em, they can be contributed by using the form below. o volunteered for the Southwest Border Mission with the Department of Homeland Security; safe-guarded the Texas border. Photo Credit: SGT T. October 30, 2016 ·. Use this in conjunction with AR 623-3, DA PAM 623-3,. Food Service NCOER Bullets. Cultivated a mindset to get better every day; encouraged subordinates to introduce ideas for improving the operating efficiency of the organization. As you can see, the New NCOER Support Form aligns with current doctrine, ADP 6-22; whereas the current NCOER is based on outdated doctrine. If you got 'em, they can be contributed by using the form below. 5 Role of the Senior Rater • Senior Rater “owns” the Evaluation and is responsible for timely completion • Mentor/Develop your subordinates – Support Form –tool available to aid in defining / guiding goals and objectives throughout rating period, provides feedback to rated individual - not a lot of space but should be catalystMaster Resilience Trainer (MRT) NCOER Bullets. o established a Troop level tracking. After studying hundreds of bullet comments across a variety of occupational specialties, it was determined that, in general, the impact of a bullet comment is expressed in 9 ways: Achieved a Quantity. So after like, 20 straight minutes I managed to get onto Iperms poo. o screened and evaluated 800 soldiers from 1ABCT during Operation Atlantic Resolve; reduced delays due to medical by 25%. Patton. Exceeded standard. 91D - Power Generation Equipment Repairer. Presence (Military Bearing, Fitness, Confidence, Resilience. They are the moral, ethical and professional attributes of character. NCOER bullets must be preceded by a lower-case letter "o" to indicate the comment's beginning. o supervised and evaluated four ATOs to ensure 100% compliance with FORSCOM Anti-Terrorism requirements; expertly leading the Brigade Anti-Terrorism. You may also submit your. failed to follow established procedures for securing and accounting for ammunition. o briefed Ft Bragg functional managers; lauded MOS development and impact; perpetuated unit. Duty Title. Intellect NCOER Bullets. Aviation Operations Sergeant. Bullet comments are mandatory for a ‘no’. SHARP and EO NCOER Bullets; Sample NCOER Duty Descriptions. 3. Platoon Sergeant NCOER Examples. Back to CMF 31 NCOER Bullets. o synchronized opportunities with availability; increased critical school attendance by 50% in less than 13 months. Bullets comments are used to explain any. o recoverd 4 weapons caches containing 11 mortars, 3 anti tank mines and 33 rockets. The purpose of these pages is to provide information to help Army leaders properly counsel and evaluate their subordinate noncommissioned officers. a. docx from ITN 125 at Northern Virginia Community College. MOS 13J, Fire Control Specialist, NCOER Bullets. MOS 12R, Interior Electrician, NCOER Bullets. Your effectiveness is dramatically enhanced by understanding and developing the following areas: • Military bearing: projecting a commanding presence, a professional image of authority • Physical fitness: having sound health, strength, and endurance, which. o key to the qualification of four out of five crews. Rater NCOER Bullet Comments. o synchronized the deployment of the Company in support of OEF while simultaneously setting the conditions for a smooth redeployment and. Senior Mechanic NCOER Bullets. o investigated resources during a family crisis;. Presence NCOER Bullets (Military and Professional Bearing, Fitness, Confidence, Resilience) Headlines. o developed in and out processing system that increased company's ability to in-process over 150 Soldiers with an efficiency rating of 90%. • Bullet comments (SGT-1SG-MSG) • Narrative comments (CSM-SGM) −Senior rater –narrative comments for all NCOs Supplementary reviewer required when the senior rater is a 2LT-1LT, WO1-CW2, or SFC-1SG-MSG; in certain situations (i. This month will mark the site’s sixth complete redesign as I finally introduce a more modern, responsive. Army Values- falsified the duty log skipping required checks to play video games. o ensured mortar section soldiers were conducting crew drills and cross-training during down time in the field which led to a more motivated and trained mortar section. MOS 25B Duty Descriptions. Part III, Areas of Special Emphasis. com. Bullet comments are mandatory regardless of the ratings given (at least one bullet will be. Intellect NCOER Bullet Comments. o completed high quality bi-lateral training with the Royal Thai Army with minimal guidance. o provided Close Air Support for the infil of three CH-47 Chinooks in support of Operation Mongoose. o his combat experience and leadership enabled the continuous training and certification of 18 Soldiers assigned to the EMT mission on medical tasks. o interviewed 5 victims, witnesses, and suspects and documented those actions in investigative action reports; protected victims by providing care and treatment. Army or the Department of Defense. MOS 88H Cargo Specialist NCOER Examples. o Sacrificed off-duty time to train his peers on critical recovery tasks; enhanced peer morale, mental acuity, and. o followed up on all paperwork and made sure all warriors had proper badges for assigned duties. o scheduled water cross-training for fuelers, truck drivers, and engineers; multiplied self-sufficiency and expanded service capability. If you got 'em, they can be shared by using the form below. Leads others, Builds trust, Extends influence, Leads by example, Communication. o accepted and assumed the role and responsibilities of Team Leader during the COVID-19 Pandemic Response. 25E Electromagnetic Spectrum Manager. CMF 37, Psychological Operations Examples. Schools NCO NCOER Examples. o guided and provided direction for five RL3 crew chiefs; bestowed concrete fundamentals that guaranted minimum progression time to RL1 Day/Night/NVG. 88N Traffic Management Coordinator. See also: Navy Guard Force Evaluations Housing Unit Correctional Specialist. o encouraged and developed innovative ideas to improve maintenance practices; improved maintenance output. 00 - Immaterial 09 - Interpreter 11 - Infantry However, most performance bullets can go in multiple areas of the NCOER under the current system, so this is not a problem specific to evaluating character. NCOER. )Supply NCO NCOER Bullet Examples. com, please consider making a small donation. Develop. Character NCOER Bullets. o assisted 4th Tank Battalion with the cleaning of their vehicles during African Lion 2012, enabling exfil on time. 68A Medical Equipment Repairer.